Sunday, August 27, 2006

On orientalism...

Orientalism is but a cultural racism. Many people who wrote about the Orient depicted people living there (mainly Arabs) as dirty, untrustworthy and extremely violent people. Hence, justifying colonialism in the 19th and 20th century, and being the raison d'être of neo-colonialism nowadays...

The perfect recipe for this Machiavellian project also includes colonial schools where locals (mainly the children of the elite) will be taught how to despise their own people as they learn that the locals are of a lesser breed and have lower moral standards, and that the occupiers are but lovable and admirable heroes and saviours.

Jaafar. A.


At Monday, August 28, 2006 10:09:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree 100%

At Saturday, September 30, 2006 2:40:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i totaly agree with you and i wud like to add to that, the orientalism pictures or panting are a dazzling images of the orientalism these pictures give a fake images of our culture. for exemple the last painting i saw in a gallery like 2 weeks ago was giving the image of 3 women and one man from 18th or 19th centery(the wear) the women were with uncovered chests the man lying on one woman legs there was a music instrument by them with many other stuff strager of our culture and everydays life, that was the last one i saw some others were a lot worse.
the problem about the education is that not only the elite's children who are getting wrong history fact and machination but also a big part of normal citizen the media and ignorance are the principal reasons, not far than the last week i was talking with a girl about Lyautey the girl was talking about him like if he was a national hero an khettabi or zerktouni and she said with all pride possible this man liked morocco a lot i thought she were talking about a diferent person not the one who invaded our country, what is sure is: that man liked and loved morocco as he loved his own pocket and properties.
a short part about the biography of this great person who governed morocco the land of youcef bnou tachafine and tarik ibno zyads grandsons:

Georges Clemenceau aurait dit de lui : "Voilà un homme admirable, courageux, qui a toujours eu des couilles au cul.. même quand ce n'étaient pas les siennes." Cette allusion plaisante à l'orientation sexuelle du Maréchal est notamment reproduite par Christian Gury dans son livre "Lyautey-Charlus" (Editions Kimé, 1998, p. 86), consacré aux rapports de Lyautey et de l'homosexualité.



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